Statistics on addiction and gambling reveal the negative impacts of gambling addiction. Incidents of bankruptcy, crime, corruption, domestic abuse, destruction of marriages and families, and suicide attempts are higher in the lives of those with a gambling addiction than with any other addiction. This new 96-page, Christian addiction recovery mini-book, Gambling: Betting Your Life Away, helps you or your loved one find freedom from an addiction to gambling.
Once the exhilarating ecstasy of winning has captured the mind, will, and emotions, all bets are off on the likelihood that people will find freedom on their own without gambling treatment. But don't bet your life away! With the transforming work and intervention of the Holy Spirit, freedom from a gambling addiction is possible.
This Christian addiction recovery mini-book is easy-to-read and covers signs of the 4 different types of gambling:
Gambling: Betting Your Life Away will give you :
June Hunt, a Christian counselor, includes helpful insights and biblical wisdom to help you determine whether you or a friend struggle with a gambling addiction.
Look for all 25 titles in the Hope For The Heart Biblical Counseling Library. These mini-books are for people who seek freedom from codependency, anger, conflict, verbal and emotional abuse, depression, or other problems.