In "Nothing Happens Here," Veronica Tracey, a resourceful former spy turned PI, uses her uncanny ability to track down the most elusive targets, taking readers on a thrilling ride.
“I’m looking for a private investigator. I have lost something.”
Not someone?
“My speciality is people and I’ve been known to find the occasional lost dog.”
“How about garden ornaments?”
“Pardon?” I could feel a frown puckering the skin on my forehead and worked hard to dislodge it.
“I’ve lost some garden ornaments.”
“That’s not something I’ve ever been asked to find before. What type of ornaments?”
“Gnomes,” he said with a straight face.
“Gnomes? Are you serious?”
Veronica Tracy PI has quite a bit on her plate, on any given day: her 94-year-old Nana and the Cronies of Doom, her cousin and his interesting love life, a retired greyhound, a new and successful private investigation company, and a crazy person following her. She juggles life with a sense of humour and the enduring knowledge that everything is temporary.
This book is written in New Zealand English and set in Upper Hutt, New Zealand.