Disciple Making Is . . .

By Dave Earley, Rod Dempsey

Disciple Making Is . . .
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Disciple Making Is... stands as one of the most thorough books yet offered regarding how to make disciples. In thirty brief, hard-hitting but easily accessible chapters, the entire scope of disciple making is presented in a way that will inspire and inform the reader to obey the Great Commission with great passion.

Grounded on a solid biblical foundation, authors Dave Earley and Rod Dempsey -- both veterans of one-on-one, collegiate, small group, and local church discipleship -- share their practical insights on how to best reproduce reproducers of Christ’s message.
Each compelling entry is set up to finish the sentence that begins with the book’s title. For example, Disciple Making Is . . . "Embracing the Cross," "Forsaking All to Follow Jesus," "Living on Mission," "Launching an Unstoppable Force," "Mentoring Disciples as Jesus Did," "Multiplying Disciple-Makers as Paul Did," "Creating a Healthy Church," and more.

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