The Humals. Humanoid
Aliens. They dominated the spiral arm millennia ago then vanished
without trace. Man had found traces of their presence,
reverse-engineered their technology and speculated endlessly about their
demise. But no one really knew what had happened. No one knew why they
had disappeared or why so few traces of them remained.
For James
Hamilton the Humals were not something he concerned himself about. Not,
that is, until a billionaire philanthropist seeks him out with a
proposition he can't ignore.
It started out as the offer of a
lifetime. A way to finally end all his financial concerns and to do
something good for humanity into the bargain. But as Hamilton was well
aware, if something sounds too good to be true then it usually means
Suspicious, Hamilton fears the worst and plans
accordingly but even he is unprepared for the events that will follow.
With precious few allies and more questions than answers, Hamilton must
desperately try to piece together the clues in order to understand what
is going on before it is too late.
For what starts out as a journey for the betterment of mankind may well sow the seeds of its destruction.