Praise for the previous edition:
"...concise, easy to digest...suitable for most excellent introduction to and starting point for research into forensic sciences." —American Reference Books Annual
"...fills the need for accessible, accurate information on a popular topic...Recommended for public and academic undergraduate libraries as well as high school libraries."—Library Journal
Now in its third edition, this comprehensive encyclopedia gathers together in one place the core topics of forensic science and provides an overview of each, with approximately 650 entries. More than 12 essays are interspersed throughout this reliable A-to-Z reference, describing how forensic science relates to areas such as drug testing in sports, privacy concerns, misconceptions about forensic science, and the interface of forensic engineering and forensic science. Encyclopedia of Forensic Science, Third Edition is richly illustrated with more than 200 black-and-white photographs and illustrations, plus a full-color insert containing photographs with depictions of firearms, tool marks, and DNA analysis. Most of the photographs were supplied by working forensic scientists in many different organizations. This essential encyclopedia will remain the ultimate primer in the subject of forensic science for high school and college students alike.
Entries include: