Introduction to Audiology

By Frederick N. Martin, John Greer Clark

Introduction to Audiology
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The leading text for the introduction to hearing and hearing disorders course is now available in a new edition with a valuable new learning CD-ROM!

"This text does a wonderful job of covering a LOT of topic areas in a relatively short, easy-to-read format."
"Alison M. Grimes, California State University, San Bernardino and Fullerton"

"I would like to compliment the authors on developing, and continuing to refine, a classic book in audiology."
"Dr. Carl Crandell, University of Florida"

""Introduction to Audiology" is exceptionally detailed and complete but can be used to cover any topic an instructor wishes by careful picking and choosing."
"Dr. Margaret F. Carlin, University of Southern Mississippi"

Highlights of the Ninth Edition: Placement of behavioral site-of-lesson testing into a historical note allows room for more detailed discussions of recent objective measures and for new material on licensing/certification, outcome measures, and evidence-based practice. Updated material throughout the text, including a thoroughly revised discussion of the rapidly evolving measures of auditory evoked potentials. Separate discussions of "pediatric and adult hearing aid selection/verification and hearing loss management." TECHNOLOGY ADVANTAGE! CD-ROM provides expanded coverage of many topics, illustrative movies, and much more. Don't Miss These Special Value Pack Options:

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