“A book for our times.” (Indian Express) “Majoritarianism gets a fresh, new spin through this thought-provoking book!” (Shobhaa De) “Deserves a read.” (Times of India) “Roy goes where few others would dare to tread.” (Rajdeep Sardesai) “Read it if you love the English language.” (Money Control) “This cerebral work of fiction draws from the little known etymological facts about the English alphabet.” (Outlook) “An ingenious narrative.” (The Statesman) “Built on a strong foundation.” (The Week) “That rare kind of book.” (Sunday Mid-Day) “It has a universal appeal for the family and the world at large.” (Shekhar Kapur) “A must-read for those concerned with the present and future of humankind.” (Business India)
ALPHABETICA is an allegorical satire set up in the fantasy world of "Planet Typewriter". This land of "unity-in-diversity" is divided when the twenty-one Consonants discover that they are the original 3500-year-old Phoenician letters. The five Vowels, who came much later, are declared Greek intruders. When the Vowels emerge as the dominant word shareholders in the dictionary, the Consonant Majority retaliates with the "Rise of the Phoenicians" campaign. The Vowels are forced to seek asylum in the land of the Numbers. With the world of words silenced, the Typewriter God abandons the Consonants.
Will the Punctuations and Signs tilt the balance to prevent the war of wor(l)ds?