Jacaranda Key Concepts in VCE Business Management Units 1 & 2, 6th Edition learnON & Print + studyON This combined print and digital title provides 100% coverage of the VCAA Adjusted Study Design for Business Management. The textbook comes with a complimentary activation code for learnON, the powerful digital learning platform making learning personalised and visible for both students and teachers.
The latest editions of
Jacaranda Key Concepts in VCE Business Management series include these key features:
- Available in multiple print and digital formats; Print, learnON, eBookPLUS and PDF
- Contemporary case studies, alongside updates to existing data, statistics and references to ensure currency and relevance to see you through to the end of the extended accreditation period.
- Apply your skills subtopics in each topic which allow students to practice key Business Management skills
- Extend your knowledge subtopics in each topic provide more opportunities to explore key knowledge in greater depth
- New exam-style questions in every subtopic, with examples of exemplary responses and marking guides
- Available for the first time in learnON, giving you greater visibility into student progress and performance, and allowing you to easily tailor lesson plans and create custom tests
- studyON is now completely integrated into every subtopic in learnON, providing every student with access to every official past VCAA exam question since 2006 and hundreds of exam-style questions
- Brand-new practice SACs for each Area of Study, including detailed solutions and marking guides provided for the students, and additional quarantined SACs available in the teacher support
- Teacher support material including lesson starters, answers to all the questions, quarantined school accessed coursework, topic tests and more
For teachers, learnON includes additional teacher resources such as quarantined questions and answers, curriculum grids and work programs.