If you’re considering bankruptcy, are currently in the process of filing for bankruptcy, or on the brink of bankruptcy and looking for a way to get through debt, Personal Bankruptcy For Dummies can help you make the best decisions about your financial future.
Personal Bankruptcy For Dummies is a nuts-and-bolts toolbox, which covers both Chap7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Written by two seasoned experts on bankruptcy law, this easy-to-follow guide walks you through the bankruptcy process and explains how to rebuild your credit after filing for bankruptcy. Straightforward answers and re liable advice can help you sort out all of your possibilities, with a clear understanding of what you have to gain and what’s to lose. This carefully written guidebook will show you how to:
Filled with expert tips and tactics for navigating the world of bankruptcy, Personal Bankruptcy For Dummies gives you the ammunition and information you need to intelligently and confidently choose your own best path and get back on your feet again.