With the click of a mouse, anyone has access to the standards. So aligning our instruction should be a snap. If only it were that simple . . . Jim Burke anticipated the challenges and developed the Common Core Companion series for K-12. In his next smart move, he deferred to the talents of Sharon Taberski to be author of the K-2 volume.
What makes Sharon Taberski’s Common Core Companion "that version of the standards you wish you had"? It’s the way Sharon translates each and every standard for reading, writing, speaking and listening, language, and foundational skills into the day-to-day "what you do": lesson ideas, best literacy practices, grouping configurations, adaptations for ELLs, anchor charts, and so much more.
It’s all here, page by page:
With more than 30 years of classroom experience in the primary grades and years of consulting in schools nationwide, Sharon Taberski has a depth of knowledge about what both students and teachers in this country need in order to cultivate the win-win of high expectations and high engagement in K-2. She is a nationally recognized educator, author, and presenter, and a leader in the field of early reading instruction. Her professional books and teaching materials have revolutionized the way primary teachers approach reading and remain classics in the field.