Black Politics and Urban Crisis in Britain

By Brian D. Jacobs

Black Politics and Urban Crisis in Britain
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This book, first published in 1986, examines the race and immigration issues by considering the nature of the black 'constituency' and its political responses to issues related to the crisis of Britain's inner cities. It centrally examines black access to and integration into the public policy process and views public policy responses and how these affect black politics. American experience provides a 'model' against which the British approach is viewed. The book looks at the background to the crisis, and its roots in economic decline. It also elaborates the historical development of government policy and legislation towards race and immigration, and the impact of community relations agencies, housing and education policy, and immigrant legislation. Black political action is considered, with particular emphasis on interest-group activity and community organisation. A concluding chapter looks at various policy options affecting blacks in Britain, comparing British and American approaches to community development and participation.