Delphi Complete Poetical Works of The Confederation Poets (Illustrated)

By Charles G. D. Roberts, Bliss Carman, Archibald Lampman, Duncan Campbell Scott

Delphi Complete Poetical Works of The Confederation Poets (Illustrated)
Available for 2.99 USD

 The Confederation Poets were a group of Canadian English-language poets of the late nineteenth century whose work expressed the national consciousness inspired by the Confederation of 1867. Their transcendental and romantic praise of the Canadian landscape would go on to dominate Canadian poetry until the twentieth century. They were also called the Maple Tree School due to how their verses portrayed a touching love for the Canadian landscape. The term ‘Confederation Poets’ was coined by the Canadian professor and literary critic Malcolm Ross, who singled out four poets: Charles G. D. Roberts (1860–1943); Bliss Carman (1861–1929); Archibald Lampman (1861–1899); and Duncan Campbell Scott (1862–1947). They composed poems in a classic form, often on themes of love or philosophical speculation against the backdrop of nature; and they all reacted to Canada’s growing industrialisation, favouring a retreat to the as yet unspoiled wilderness. This comprehensive volume of the Delphi Poets Series presents the complete poetical works of the four principal members of the Confederation Poets, with numerous illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1)

* Beautifully illustrated with images relating to the life and works of the Confederation Poets

* Concise introduction to the Confederation Poets

* The complete poetical works of the four principal Confederation Poets: Roberts, Carman, Lampman (the ‘Canadian Keats’) and Scott

* Images of how the poetry books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts

* Excellent formatting of the poems

* Special alphabetical contents tables for all four poets

* Easily locate the poems you want to read

* Features two biographies — discover the literary lives of the Confederation Poets

* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres

Please visit to see our wide range of poet titles


The Life and Poetry of Confederation Poets

Brief Introduction: Confederation Poets

Charles G. D. Roberts

Orion and Other Poems

In Divers Tones

Songs of the Common Day and, Ave! An Ode for the Shelley Centenary

The Book of the Native

Poems, 1901

New York Nocturnes and Other Poems

The Book of the Rose

New Poems

The Sweet o’ the Year and Other Poems

The Vagrant of Time

The Iceberg and Other Poems

Charles G. D. Roberts: List of Poems in Alphabetical Order

Bliss Carman

Low Tide on Grand Pré

Songs From Vagabondia

A Seamark: A Threnody for Robert Louis Stevenson

Behind The Arras

Ballads of Lost Haven

By The Aurelian Wall and Other Elegies

More Songs From Vagabondia

A Winter Holiday

Last Songs From Vagabondia

Ode on the Coronation of King Edward

Pipes of Pan I. From The Book of Myths

Pipes of Pan II. From the Green Book of the Bards

Pipes of Pan III. Songs of the Sea Children

Pipes of Pan IV. Songs from a Northern Garden

Pipes of Pan V. From the Book of Valentines

Sappho: One Hundred Lyrics

The Rough Rider and Other Poems

Echoes from Vagabondia

April Airs

The Vengeance of Noel Brassard

Far Horizons

Later Poems

Bliss Carman: List of Poems in Alphabetical Order

Archibald Lampman

Among the Millett and Other Poems

Lyrics of Earth

Two Poems Privately Issued to their Friends at Christmastide

Alcyone and Other Poems


Poems and Ballads

David and Abigail

The Story of an Affinity

At the Long Sault and Other New Poems

Archibald Lampman: List of Poems in Alphabetical Order

Duncan Campbell Scott

The Magic House and Other Poems

Labor and the Angel

New World Lyrics and Ballads

Via Borealis

Lundy’s Lane and Other Poems

Beauty and Life

The Poems of Duncan Campbell Scott

The Green Cloister: Later Poems

The Circle of Affection and Other Pieces

Duncan Campbell Scott: List of Poems in Alphabetical Order

The Biographies

Memoir of Archibald Lampman by Duncan Campbell Scott

Three Fredericton Poets by Lorne Albert Pierce

Please visit to browse through our range of poetry titles or buy the entire Delphi Poets Series as a Super Set

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