López-Quesada is arguably the most significant European woman designer working today. The keyword in interior design today is authenticity: an original voice. And authenticity is the hallmark of López-Quesada's work. She introduces her family and their traditions, and reveals her sources of inspiration--such as the work of earlier designers like Renzo Mongiardino and John Stefanidis. She relates how she transformed an abandoned wax factory in a leafy district of Madrid into her family home and atelier, and then recounts how she created a country home out of a run-down Basque farm in the hills outside of Biarritz, France.
Both the Madrid and Biarritz properties have been affectionately documented by Miguel Flores-Vianna, who has photographed interiors, patios, and gardens, as well as López-Quesada's design studios. Lavishly illustrated with over 250 color photographs, At Home provides a window into Isabel López-Quesada's design philosophy, and her fascination with creating beautiful spaces.
"In the luscious pages of her first book, Isabel López-Quesada offers lessons in living that resonate and inspire just as much as her aesthetic lessons." --Amy Astley (From the foreword)