Readable and concise yet immensely informative, this bestselling text prepares students and new therapists to work confidently and effectively in real-world clinical practice with families. The authors offer wise and compassionate guidance on everything from intake and assessment to treatment planning, the nuts and bolts of specific interventions, the nuances of establishing therapeutic relationships, and how to troubleshoot when treatment gets ?stuck.? They help the novice clinician navigate typical dilemmas and concerns, and spell out the basics of therapist self-care. Vivid case examples, sample forms, and quick-reference tables enhance the utility of the text.
New to This Edition
*Updated throughout to reflect current clinical findings and practices.
*Many new or revised case examples.
*Now more integrative--shows how to flexibly draw on multiple theories and techniques.
*New topics, including "Dealing with Clients We Dislike."
See also the authors' Essential Assessment Skills for Couple and Family Therapists, which shows how to weave assessment into all phases of therapy, and Clinician's Guide to Research Methods in Family Therapy.