Lectures on ecstatic temporality and on Heideggers political legacy.
Ecstasy, Catastrophe, David Farrell Krell provides insight into two areas of Heideggers thought: his analysis of ecstatic temporality in
Being and Time (1927)and his political remarks in the recently published
Black Notebooks (19311941). The first part of Krells book focuses on Heideggers interpretation of time, which Krell takes to be one of Heideggers greatest philosophical achievements. In addition to providing detailed commentary on ecstatic temporality, Krell considers Derridas analysis of
ekstasis in his first seminar on Heidegger, taught in Paris in 19641965. Krell also relates ecstatic temporality to the work of other philosophers, including Aristotle, Augustine, Kant, Schelling, Hölderlin, and Merleau-Ponty; he then analyzes Dasein as infant and child, relating ecstatic temporality to the mirror stage theory of Jacques Lacan.
The second part of the book turns to Heideggers
Black Notebooks, which have received a great deal of critical attention in the press and in philosophical circles. Notorious for their pejorative references to Jews and Jewish culture, the
Notebooks exhibit a level of polemic throughout that Krell takes to be catastrophic in and for Heideggers thought. Heideggers legacy therefore seems to be split between the best and the worst of thinkingsomewhere between ecstasy and catastrophe.
Based on the 2014 Brauer Lectures in German Studies at Brown University, the book communicates the fruits of Krells many years of work on Heidegger in an engaging and accessible style.