An untimely death leads to a second chance on the other side...
Riley is at the ultimate low. After leaving pharmacy school with mountains of debt, he accepts a minimum wage job as a glorified shelf stocker in a small Virginia town. He can’t pay his student loans, rent, or afford much food. And his biggest setback: getting shot and killed during a standoff with police.
But unlike most deaths, this one comes with a job offer and an opportunity to turn his life around.
After two-thousand years working as the Angel of Death, Azrael is out of touch with humanity. He needs a replacement—and has his eye on Riley—who hesitantly agrees. The transition goes anything but smoothly; Azrael rushes through training then leaves without warning. Riley is uncertain about his new job responsibilities and mistakenly kills a demon—who retaliates on the mortals. Now lives are at stake, souls kidnapped...and fate lies within the hands of a rookie.