Environmental Studies by Dr Narendra Mal Surana and Mrs Hemlata Ojha Malviya is a publication of the SBPD Publishing House, Agra.
Environmental science has become the most popular subject in the world nowadays. The whole world is facing the threat of imbalance in the environment such as overexploitation of nature and natural resources, deforestation, industrialisation and urbanisation.
Our ancient scriptures and literature are the witness of awareness and conservation instinct about the environment at that time. The subject environmental studies has become the part of syllabus of the Degree courses after the issuing of an order by the Hon’ble Supreme Court to create awareness among the students.
This book has been written according to the unified syllabus issued by U.G.C. for all universities and colleges in India. The authors' are very satisfied to say that the book contains all the latest information and data, which will be useful for the young generation.
The authors' are proud to incorporate some more chapters viz. Chapter 2–The Vedic Description and Religious Aspect of Environment, Chapter 3–Current Status of Environment in India and Chapter 10-A Threat to 21st Century AIDS.
Attention has also been drawn to provide more and more questions, objective type questions etc. to the students for their examination point of view.