More than a how-to guide, this book promotes true understanding of the hows and whys of using standard methods and tools in the United States and Canada. Contains in-depth coverage of books, nonprint materials, Internet resources, and serials, as well as the most up-to-date versions of such basic tools as the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Library of Congress Subject Headings, Sears List of Subject Headings, and Dewey Decimal Classification. The authors also clarify the jargon of bibliographic control, cataloging networks, and MARC coding.
With a clear and practical approach, Intner and Weihs empower neophyte and student catalogers and classifiers to apply the rules and tools of library organization to produce standard catalog records suitable for network databases or local OPACs. The book describes and explains management decisions, pros and cons of cataloging alternatives, and how to run a catalog department. Through hundreds of examples, the authors illustrate cataloging problems and their solutions, remaining true to the standards without putting the work beyond the reach of any thoughtful reader. In this new edition you'll find more in-depth coverage of books, nonprint materials, Internet resources, and serials, as well as the most up-to-date versions of such basic tools as the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Library of Congress Subject Headings, Sears List of Subject Headings, and Dewey Decimal Classification. The authors clarify the jargon of bibliographic control, cataloging networks, and MARC coding. More than a how-to gui