Due to the immense popularity of Palm OS devices, demand for Palm OS applications has increased dramatically. Over 16 million Palm Powered PDAs have sold over the past six years,and the number of registered Palm Developers is currently over 100,000 and growing by about a 1,000 per month.Visual Basic is one of the most popular development platformsin the world. Until recently Visual Basic developers were not able to create applications for the Palm OS platform. By integrating into the Visual Basic environment, the AppForge Basic compiler has brought Palm development right into the main tool used by millions of VB Programmers. In fact, Visual Basic in conjunction with AppForge is fast becoming one of the favorite development environments for the Palm OS.The book provides a framework for application design, development and installation for the Palm handheld. While the reader should have experience with the property-method-event model of VB programming, no familiarity with Palm products is assumed or required. It is written primarily for corporate software developers, software architects, middle-ware developers and engineering managers who need to understand the strengths and limits of programming on the Palm, and how to integrate Visual Basic language Palm applications into their corporate IT infrastructure or product offerings. It teaches readers how to create a host of business applications including security, wireless and database connectivity programs.Some of the covered topics include: