The Annotated Bakhtin Bibliography

By Carol Adlam, David G. Shepherd

The Annotated Bakhtin Bibliography
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This is the first in a new series entitled MHRA Bibliographies. The Annotated Bakhtin Bibliography draws its material from, and is intended as a companion to, the on-line Analytical Database of Work by and about the Bakhtin Circle: maintained by the Bakhtin Centre at the University of Sheffield, this is the most extensive electronic collection of bibliographical and analytical data relating to the Russian philosopher and cultural theorist Mikhail Bakhtin and the members of the Bakhtin Circle (principally Mariia Iudina, Matvei Kagan, Pavel Medvedev, Lev Pumpianskii, Ivan Sollertinskii and Valentin Voloshinov). The work of Bakhtin and the Bakhtin Circle has had enormous international impact across a range of disciplines, including literary and cultural theory, philosophy, history, anthropology, linguistics and psychology. The Annotated Bakhtin Bibliography will provide scholars and students of Bakhtin with easy access to detailed information on research undertaken throughout the world in these and other fields. The text of The Annotated Bakhtin Bibliography is in two parts. The first part comprises extensive bibliographical details of almost three hundred primary works (including information about translations and reprints). The second consists of almost one thousand entries containing analytical and annotated information about secondary literature dealing with Bakhtin and the Bakhtin Circle in over twenty languages, allowing the principal trends in the development of Bakhtin studies to be discerned and traced. Consultation of the bibliography is facilitated by comprehensive name, title and subject indexes.

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