Covering over three centuries, the Dictionary gathers together theists, pantheists, atheists, materialists, agnostics, secularists, monists, and positivists. It contains not only philosophers, but teachers of science, political theorists, historians, and artists. Each entry lists the subject's birth and death dates, details of their education and occupation, and evidence of their rationalist views. Including European and American figures, the Dictionary is full of minor figures rarely found in other reference works.
McCabe (1867-1955) was one of the foremost modern atheists. A prolific writer, he produced nearly 250 books and pamphlets, was a founding members of Britain's Rationalist Press Association, and a much-respected public speaker. Formerly a monk, he left the priesthood to devote his life to furthering the cause of rationalism and freethought. He had no doubt that when human knowledge was complete materialism would prove to be the correct theory of reality.
--covers the period 1548 to 1920
--the only work of its kind in English
--major and minor Western thinkers
i--ncludes philosophers, scientists, economists, doctors, sociologists, political theorists, poets, and novelists from Europe and the USA