Corporate Crime and its Victims
It's not gold that glitters but health stolen from past workers.
Poisoned by chemicals they used, many are sick and dying. The story reaches a journalist. Inquiries lead her to a new company, Gilt Investments, a public float promising an investor bonanza. It keeps the valued parts and leaves the risk behind. The workers get nothing. The clock is ticking. Can it be stopped?
The publicity for Gilt Investments claims risk free investment and a gilded future. Is it real or is it golden spin, a new public mask of glitter to hide the guilt behind.
Corporate lawyer, Stephen, knows Gilt Investments will give a great return. His own bonus and share allocation promise a cash bonanza. It is all set to go. He delivers the Prospectus to the printer to send out to select clients. It goes live in a week.
But as the final hours tick away a journalist rings. A desperately ill woman has contacted her, she claims the past company has poisoned her.
The more the journalist looks the worse the story becomes, not one but dozens of victims. And there is a trail of deception by the former company to hide the truth of what happened three decades ago. As she digs deeper she finds other victims, paid a pittance and then hushed up. Some are dead now but many others are alive and sick.
The journalist find out an imminent company restructure will separate a murky past from a glittering future. As she gets closer to the truth the company turns to sexual blackmail, used against her.
It is a race on three counts, to stop the float clock so the assets don't vanish, to keep the victims alive to testify and to keep her own past buried, lest it derail it all.