Daring to Win
Plastic surgeon Olivia Coates-Clark knew her affair with handsome Dr Zachary Wright couldn't last forever, so she ended it before she could get hurt. But when a chance encounter brings them back together, Zak can’t let her walk away again. Alone with her in paradise, he'll prove once and for all that some rules are worth breaking...
When Nurse Hettie de Lacey saves orphaned Joni from drowning, she sets her heart on adopting him. But to keep him she needs Dr Max Lockhart. Max’s life is in turmoil, but can he walk away when everything about Hettie and Joni compels him to stay?
An accident left Prince Lucas Silva with memory loss. Now he believes his loyal assistant, Kate Barton, is his bride-to-be. And she's under strict orders to keep up the pretence! Kate knows her happiness can’t last, and palace rule mean she may soon be tossed to the side. But once Luc regains his memory, he starts willing to forget the rules!