Autobiography of Karl Popper

By Karl Raimund Popper

Autobiography of Karl Popper
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First ed. published in 1974 as vol. 2 of The Philosophy of Karl Popper, Open Court, La Salle, Ill. Includes index. Bibliography: p. [240]-247. Omniscience and fallibility -- Childhood memories -- Early influences -- The First World War -- An early philosophic problem: infinity -- My first philosophical failure: the problem of essentialism -- A long digression concerning essentialism: what still divides me from most contemporary philosophers -- A crucial year: Marxism; science and pseudoscience -- Early studies -- A second digression: dogmatic and critical thinking; learning without induction -- Music -- Speculations about the rise of polyphonic music: psychology of discovery or logic of discovery? -- Two kinds of music -- Progressivism in art, especially in music -- Last years at the university -- Theory of knowledge: Logik der Forschung -- Who killed logical positivism? -- Realism and quantum theory -- Objectivity and physics -- Truth; probability; corroboration -- The approaching war; the Jewish problem -- Emigration: England and New Zealand -- Early work in New Zealand -- The open society and The poverty of historicism --Other work in New Zealand -- England: at the London School of Economics and Political Science -- Early work in England -- First visit to the United States. Meeting Einstein -- Problems and theories -- Debates with Schr©·odInger -- Objectivity and criticism -- Induction; deduction; objective truth -- Metaphysical research programmes -- Fighting subjectivism in physics: quantum mechanics and propensity -- Boltzmann and the arrow of time -- The subjectivist theory of entropy -- Darwinism as a metaphysical research programme -- World 3 or the third world -- The body-mind problem and world 3 -- The place of values in a world of facts.

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