By Derek Mailhiot

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Delve deep into the Bible and explore it in a fresh, new way!

The Wise Wacky Wonderful Word of God provides meaningful and relevant answers for all those who cherish the Bible but are troubled by the ethical dilemmas, errors, and inconsistencies in Scripture. Derek also provides clarity and understanding if you are confused by the plethora of conflicting Christian doctrines about heaven, hell, fate, and the end-times.

Why does a God who is good allow evil, pain, and suffering? Did God create Satan and demons? Which is true: free will or predestination? Does everyone have a guardian angel? Is Jesus really God? According to God's Word, what is the meaning of life?

Can a Christian today who believes that the Bible is God's inspired Word and His special revelation to us, also hold a modern scientific worldview without being labelled a heretic? Can a Christian believe the Big Bang is the way in which God created the universe — and also believe it happened billions of years ago? Can a Christian believe “Evolutionary Creationism” — a doctrine that asserts the way in which God created life was by an evolutionary process?

Do the Rapture, Armageddon, and Apocalypse really happen? Is the Antichrist a real person? What is the purpose of the Millennium when Christ returns to earth and rules all the nations from Jerusalem for 1,000 years? Why does the Bible say God’s people live in “New Jerusalem” on earth after the Millennium for eternity; don’t believers live in heaven? If hell is a literal place, then why is it called the “Second Death” (eternal death) twice in the Bible? And what do God’s people do during eternity anyway?

To get to the heart of the Bible’s meaning, one must determine the plain meaning of the text, the meaning which the original author intended. When reading the Bible one must be very careful not to take verses out of context and apply them to one’s own predetermined set of beliefs. We simply cannot make the Bible mean anything that pleases us, and then give the Holy Spirit the "credit" for it!

So, get ready to take a comprehensive and fascinating journey through Scripture!

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