Dr. James Wright, Associate Editor for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, presents this landmark publication and novel approach to orthopaedic problems and solutions. This new, evidence-based reference examines clinical options and discusses relevant research evidence to provide you with expert recommendations for best practice. The consistent chapter format and featured summary tables provide "at-a-glance" access to the evidence-based literature and clinical options. Leading authorities contribute their expertise so you can apply the most effective clinical solutions to the persistent questions you encounter in your practice. You can even access the fully searchable and regularly updated text online! The result is an outstanding resource in clinical orthopaedics, as well as a valuable framework for translating evidence into practice.
- Features the completely searchable text online via www.expertconsult.com with periodic updates to available evidence, alerting you to changing evidence and guidelines.
- Covers common and controversial clinical problems that address the full range of "nagging" questions in your practice-such as the best treatment for displaced fractures of the distal radius or which DVT prophylaxis to use in joint replacement surgery.
- Provides a consistent chapter format that presents clinical questions with evidence-based graded recommendations for each treatment to help you make the best-informed decisions.
- Includes abundant summary tables that synthesize available literature and recommended clinical approaches for information "at a glance."
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