Natural Exercise

By Patrick Barrett

Natural Exercise
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Bodyweight exercise has long been the primary component of the daily training of some of the fittest people on Earth, including military forces, martial artists, and gymnasts. There is no doubt about the benefits you can enjoy from bodyweight exercise and calisthenics, but the important thing is to approach them in the right way--otherwise, you could end up frustrated with exercises that seem too hard, too easy, or for whatever reason just don't seem to be working. "Natural Exercise" will teach you over a dozen time-tested exercises--some you've seen before, and some you probably haven't. These exercises are everything you need for an effective, full-body workout that will get you as strong and fit as you could want to be. Just as importantly, it goes beyond that to teach you about monitoring joint health, executing proper breathing during exercise, and basic nutritional advice so that your body will get what it needs to perform and develop at an optimal level. You'll also learn in detail about scheduling because, after all, knowing how to do an exercise is not very helpful if you don't also know how often to do it, and for how long. This section will help you to develop an understanding of how many reps and sets you should do of a given exercise to get the maximum benefit for your personal situation. You can choose from sample schedules that are provided, or you can learn to build your own schedule to fit your lifestyle. One thing is certain--you need to exercise to stay healthy and become strong. Bodyweight exercise is a great way to stay fit, because you can do it wherever you are--at home or on the road, with no gym membership required. "Natural Exercise" goes beyond teaching the exercises to give you an understanding of how to develop your body intelligently, with maximum results and minimal risk of injury. If you want to follow the best bodyweight training program you can, avoid the trial and error and frustrating plateaus. "Natural Exercise" will give you all the knowledge you need to start developing a stronger, fitter body today.

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