The four-level Top Notch TV Video Course, by Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher, builds both listening comprehensions skills and productive language skills. Each level of
Top Notch TV consists of a hilarious TV-style situation comedy and authentic on-the-street interviews. In addition, five original pop songs and karaoke help reinforce new language.
Top Notch TV is available in DVD or VHS format and comes packaged with photocopiable Activity Worksheets and Teaching Notes. The
Top Notch TV Video Course can be used in a number of ways:
- As a complete video-based listening/speaking course that teaches key vocabulary, grammar, and social language
- As a video-plus-workbook supplement to accompany the Top Notch textbook series
- As a video-plus-workbook complement to any low-beginning to intermediate-level English language course
- As a self-study or distance-learning video-plus-workbook program
Click on a link below to order the
Top Notch TV video by level:
- Top Notch Fundamentals
- Top Notch 1
- Top Notch 2
- Top Notch 3
Or click here to order
Top Notch TV: The Complete Series, with all levels in a boxed set plus the Activity Worksheets.