Thauses, Nuraī and the Morningstar trek to Ubraeī to visit the sacred place. The encapsulated waters and solar are to learn of the regenerated sun to stabilize the New Sun of (X)ūpraeth. Nuraī 's relic summons Thauses and Nuraī to Udharīa. Aueneiss betrays the Crown. Queen Raī and King Vhileum are now in an ethereal slumber. Thauses and Nuraī travel throughout their universe with their dragon, using the disc and the Morningstar to capture humiliated Aueneiss. He escapes to the Udharīan firmament. Nuraī confronts Aueneiss. Death. Thauses and Nuraī capture and kill Euphranaĭ. The Crown spares one of death after she has redeemed herself—for now. The rightful ones are to take their place upon the Udharīan thrones.