Student - the word that finds its origin from the Latin 'student-em', present participle of 'studēre' meaning to be eager, zealous, or diligent, to study. Often I hear many parents telling me – "My son/daughter is not good at studies, kindly help". Well, I also hear many students complaining – "No matter how hard I study, how much effort I put in, I go blank in the exam hall. I fail to meet the expectations of my parents."
Complaints arise when one faces challenges and difficulties. These complaints though they sound common, when not addressed rightly can lead to dangerous situations resulting in either of the following :
a) Suicide
b) Lack of self confidence and failure in life
c) Depression.
But there's no problem without a solution, especially the problems faced by students. Then what do you think needs to be done?
By being in a profession that gives me an insight to the challenges faced by students, I say - "All that he/she needs to do is - continue doing what is right, modify or change habits to bring in desired results and stay focused with a positive approach. Success is definitely yours!!".
The various queries from parents and students who approach me has inspired me to compile this book. Most of the contents are borrowed from various articles on the internet, but I have made necessary modifications to suit the needs of the students. This book is full of practical tips including how to: organize work; write better in examinations; remember those forgettable facts; cope with exam nerves; and prepare properly for tests and exams. There are also tips to get up early, fascinating facts about the brain, how to cope up depression and live positively.
The entire profit generated from this book (yes, 100% profit) will be utilized by Campus Interview Training Solutions (CITS) to help poor students in their food and education needs.