The fastest way for professionals to master technical writing!
You're a technical professional, perhaps a programmer, engineer, or scientist. You are not a professional writer, but writing is part of your job (specs, manuals, proposals, lab reports, technical presentations, Web content, data sheets, and so on).
Welcome. This book is for you. It's all you need to clearly communicate technical ideas to any audience--technical or nontechnical--and motivate them to act.
Barry J. Rosenberg organizes every facet of effective technical writing into more than 175 short, concise, fast-paced tutorials. You'll find loads of examples (what to do and what not to do) plus start-to-finish instructions for writing exactly the kinds of documents you need to create.
Need specific solutions? This book's bite-size, visual, high-efficiency format delivers them instantly. Dig in, get started, and get results!
Downloadable examples are available on the Web.