The first book that clearly explains how to effectively apply the requirements of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), The Way to Work gives you the knowledge you need to adhere to the new rules and leverage new opportunities to benefit youth in transition. Youâ (TM)ll also get the latest on critical topics covered in the first edition, from determining student strengths and needs to recruiting employer partners and designing positive work experiences.
Informed by the authorâ (TM)s three decades of experience promoting the employment success of people with disabilities, this reader-friendly guide is a must-have for transition professionals, special educators, and other professionals supporting young adults as they begin a long and fulfilling career.
SUPPORT THE WHOLE EMPLOYMENT PROCESS: Assess students' strengths, needs, and interests * Recruit employer partners * Design work experiences that benefit both employer and employee * Help students decide when and how to disclose a disability * Promote studentsâ (TM) social skills * Guide students in advocating for work accommodations * Facilitate workplace mentorship for young people * Collaborate with families and professionals to support the work experience
PRACTICAL MATERIALS: You'll get planning organizers, interview guides, worksheets, and other downloadable forms to help you put recommended strategies into practice.