Like many women of the baby-boomer generation, Amy Newman grew up with conflicting messages. On one hand, she knew she could go to college and get an education. On the other hand, there was always an underlying pressure that marriage should be her true destination, as society still judged her primary value through her relationship status. As a single woman, she must be unhappy, unfulfilled, and bitter.
As Newman climbed the career ladder, she cycled through multiple romantic relationships and two broken engagements. Through years of soul-searching, she finally came to the realization that being single was not a curse, but a fulfilling choice in itself. Armed with renewed confidence, Newman embraced her true identity: EternallySingle!
In her new book, EternallySingle, Newman debunks the antiquated norms that have traditionally defined women. As a successful businesswoman and single mother to a remarkable daughter, Newman is an inspiration to modern women everywhere. She no longer feels as if her life is lacking because she's unmarried. Rather she's found ways to lead a very, creative, energetic, fulfilling life. Through her story and her astute insights, Newman helps others value the freedom of independence and establish their own healthy self-worth.