This unique, easy-to-access handbook returns with enhanced coverage and clear instructions on what to expect, what to avoid, and how to manage complications in the cath lab. Ideal for cardiologists who need a quick clinical primer on cardiac catheterization, it offers easy access to information on the latest diagnostic and treatment advances necessary for optimal patient care.
Straightforward, easy-to-understand approach for an ideal reference on the go.Covers vascular closure devices, radial artery catheterization, congenital heart disease, and drug-coated, carotid, and renal stenting.Focused update covers treatment protocols for every procedure you'll encounter, as well as the latest knowledge and clinical trials regarding recent scientific breakthroughs.Highlights the newest catheterization techniques, including new-generation stents, guidance devices, and closure devices, to ensure you're completely up to date.Discusses the management of common patient problems, focusing on cautions and outcomes to help you make informed decisions.Includes discussions on structural heart disease and new developments in heart valve disease. Brand-new illustrations – 40 in total – enhance your visual understanding of the material.Medicine eBook is accessible on a variety of devices.