Who cares about the soul anymore? Contrary to some voices in our secular society, apparently, quite a few people. A recent Newsweek Poll reported that 58 percent of Americans say they feel the need to experience spiritual growth. There is a remarkably widespread hunger for meaning spanning our society. And there is an equally widespread menu of spiritual offerings from which to choose. In the midst of these, one wonders just what is authentic spirituality?
In Soul Care, Kenneth J. Collins carefully answers this question and gives clear direction by showing us:
-the source of evil-how we construct the self and make it lord over our lives,
-the extent of sin-how we are each individually enslaved to the self,
-the hope of deliverance-how we can through Christ enter into the kingdom of God, and
-the grace of renewal-how we can through the spiritual disciplines abide and flourish in the kingdom of God.
Our souls need to be nurtured, no matter where we are in our spiritual journey-uncertain seeker or seasoned saint. Soul Care is about spirituality, Christian living, and discipleship; read and fest on tits rich and varied recipes for growth.