Modern Feminist Theory

By Jennifer Rich

Modern Feminist Theory
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This bestselling title from Humanities-Ebooks offers an explication of the major contributions to feminist theory in the late Twentieth Century, covering Initial Articulations of the ‘Woman’ Problem (Virginia Woolf; Simone de Beauvoir), Radical Feminism (Kate Millett; Shulamith Firestone; Radicalesbians; Mary Daly), Black Feminism (Audre Lorde; Alice Walker; Patricia Hill Collins), French Feminism (Luce Irigaray; Hélène Cixous; Monique Wittig; Julia Kristeva), Materialist Feminism (Gayle Rubin; Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak), Queer Theory (Adrienne Rich; Judith Butler; Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick; Wayne Koestenbaum).

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