Legendary Guardian blood runs through Carmen Solvak's veins. Too bad the inheritance skipped her. With the death of her beloved grandmother, Carmen questions her purpose within the family. Convinced the curse of loneliness will be her only legacy, fate delivers her into the arms of a mysterious tattooed stranger who awakens a gift she never believed possible. Unable to fight the mysterious pull, two futures unfold before Carmen; the one she planned, and the one fate just handed to her in the form of sexy, Guardian Ink Master Victor.
One night of linking an Immortal charge to his Guardian marks Victor Ruso as a Guardian Ink Master and destroys his family in the same instant. Since that night, Victor has run from city to city, hiding from both the Guardian who betrayed his father and an uncle who would kill him to steal his gift-and his secret. Chasing his next ink high, Fate drops a dark-haired complication into his tattooed arms when Carmen captures his soul with a single touch.
His gift connects them.
Her touch unlocks their fate.
With corrupted Dark Ink poised to destroy all the Guardians, Carmen and Victor must choose. Embrace a forbidden connection that entwines their souls but risks the lives of everyone they love or embrace a family legacy that could save everyone-except them.