Cognitive Psychology

By Michael W. Eysenck, Mark T. Keane

Cognitive Psychology
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This fifth edition of the best-selling international cognitive psychology textbook has been substantially updated and restructured to reflect new developments in cognitive psychology, and made more student-friendly.

Established approaches covered in depth include:

  • Experimental cognitive psychology
  • Cognitive science with its focus on modelling
  • Cognitive neuropsychology with its focus on cognition following brain damage.

Extensive new material in this edition includes:

  • Cognitive neuroscience approaches such as brain scanning and imaging studies which illustrate the principles of brain function
  • New material on consciousness.

Throughout, the new material is fully integrated with more traditional approaches to create a comprehensive, coherent and totally current overview of perception, attention, memory, concepts, language, problem solving, judgement and reasoning.

A two-colour design, plus a rich array of supplementary multimedia materials, make this edition more accessible and entertaining for students.

The multimedia materials include:

  • A PowerPoint lecture course and MCQ Test Bank free to qualifying adopters
  • A unique web-based Student Learning Program. This is an interactive revision program incorporating a rich array of multimedia resources including interactive exercises and demonstrations, and active reference links to journal articles. This is offered on a subscription basis to departments adopting the text. A free demonstration of a sample chapter is available to potential subscribers at http: // .

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