Qing Dynasty 清代-Story 01-25 V2020


Qing Dynasty 清代-Story 01-25 V2020
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The Qing dynasty, officially the Great Qing, was the last imperial dynasty of China. It was established in 1636, and ruled China proper from 1644 to 1912. It was preceded by the Ming dynasty and succeeded by the Republic of China. The dynasty was founded by the Manchu Aisin Gioro clan in Manchuria. (Wikipedia) 

Qing Dynasty 清代-Story 01-25 V2020--Chinese History Story 中国历史故事 Volume 12/14


01 序编 Preface 1

序言 2 Preface 2

序言 3 Preface 3

02 努尔哈赤 Nurhaci

03 皇太极登基 Emperor Taiji ascended the throne

04 多尔衮 Dorgon

05 「圆圆曲」的故事 The story of "Yuan Yuan Qu"

06 嘉定三屠 The Three Massacres of Jia Ding

07 郑成功 Zheng Cheng Gong

08 年少有为的顺治皇帝 Short-lived Emperor Shun Zhi

09 康熙与鳌拜 Oboi Conflict with the Kangxi Emperor

10 清初学术界的三先生 Three Masters of the Early Qing

11 文字狱 Literary inquisitions

12 梅文鼎和王锡阐 A famous mathematician and a famous astronomer

13 三藩之乱 The War of the Three Feudatories

14 雅克萨之战与尼布楚条约 Yakesa Campaign and the Treaty of Nertchinsk

15 雍正皇帝 Yongzheng Emperor

16 鸭母王朱一贵 Duck King rebellion

17 大义觉迷录 Yongzheng Emperor's Propaganda

17 十全老人 – 乾隆皇帝 The Perfect Victor-Qianlong Emperor

18 四库全书 Compilation of the Complete Library in Four Branches of Literature

20 香妃 Fragrant Concubine

21 和珅弄权 Ho-shen is Jiaqing Emperor’s windfall

22 嘉庆皇帝 Jiaqing Emperor

23 川楚白莲教乱 The White Lotus Sect Rebellion

24 聊斋志异 Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio

25 道光皇帝 Daoguang Emperor 

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