In his examination of the language used in corantos, newsbooks and gazettes—the first forms of periodical news in the English press—Nicholas Brownlees provides innovative analyses regarding a rich variety of topics including: the role of translation in early periodical news; the language of hard news in corantos and news pamphlets; forms and styles of epistolary news; fluctuating editorial strategies used to address and involve the reader; text structure and prototypical headlines; English news discourse within a wider European news context; the language of propaganda in the English Civil War; periodicity and the reporting of the Tuscan crisis in 1653; the language of ‘Advertisements’ in The London Gazette; the changing fortunes and semantics of News, Intelligence and Advice.
In its focus on how news writers worked and experimented with seventeenth-century English language structures and discourse conventions to forge a style of news rhetoric that could inform, persuade and even entertain, this volume is essential reading for all historians, news analysts and historical linguists working in the early modern period.