First Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Mathematics Education. Book of Abstracts (AI4ME 2020)

By Belén Palop del Río, Zsolt Lavicza, Jean-Baptiste Lagrange, Elena Esperanza Alvarez Saiz, Zaira Ortiz-Laso, Jose Manuel Diego-Mantecón, Jana Trgalová , Eunice Y.S. Chan , Robert Corless, Philippe R. Richard, Tomás Recio, Eugenio Roanes-Lozano, Pedro Quaresma, M. Pilar Vélez, Thierry Dana-Picard, Mª Cristina Naya Riveiro, Theodosia Prodromou, Adrián Pérez-Suay , Martha-Ivón Cárdenas, Roman Hašek, Steven Van Vaerenbergh, Álvaro Martínez-Sevilla, José Luis Rodriguez Blancas

First Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Mathematics Education. Book of Abstracts (AI4ME 2020)
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The digital revolution that we have experienced since the last quarter of the twentieth century has had some influence, yet to be analysed and extended, on the way mathematics is made, taught and learned. While the rate of innovation in these technologies is growing exponentially, the potential impact of most information technologies on mathematical education remains to be fully exploited. In particular, several authoritative voices point out that the technology that will most likely transform education in the coming years is artificial intelligence (AI). Interestingly, today AI is mainly associated with technologies to automate tasks and lower costs, thus serving primarily the interests of the political-administrative, industrial and commercial world. In this scenario, the world of education and, more specifically, didactics, appears at best as a mere user of AI techniques developed in other fields, forgetting that AI should play a much more relevant role here, serving the human being who is doing his work as a mathematician or who is learning mathematics.


The AI4ME symposium at the International Centre for Mathematical Meetings (CIEM) in Castro Urdiales is a space for research and reflection to better understand the interconnected challenges of instrumental learning of mathematics and instrumental mathematics, taking advantage of the achievements and opportunities of Artificial Intelligence for Mathematical Education. This book of abstracts gathers the summaries of the talks presented at the symposium, as well as the conclusions of each of the four thematic groups.