The third edition of Foundations of Crystallography with Computer Applications is a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students studying the solid state in chemistry, physics, materials science, geological sciences, and engineering. It takes a straightforward, logical approach to explaining how atoms are arranged in crystals and how crystal systems are related to each other. New to this edition is the inclusion of interactive Starter Programs in Python, which allow the students to focus on concepts and not treat crystallographic programs as "black boxes."
Since many students have trouble visualizing three dimensional constructions, this book begins with detailed discussions in two dimensions leading up to the three-dimensional understanding. The first seven chapters introduce the fundamental principles, Chapter 8 suggests student projects, and the final seven chapters give detailed examples of the seven crystal systems.
Key features:
This book’s thorough but accessible style gives students a strong foundation in the subject. Over one thousand students have successfully used this book at Virginia Tech, and many more will continue to benefit from this new edition.