E-Textbooks are now available to purchase or rent through VitalSource.com! Please visit VitalSource for more information on pricing and availability.
As of January 1, 2021, Smart Sparrow Companion Websites are no longer available for any of our textbook programs. New companion websites are coming soon, and will be hosted by Lingco. Instructors may sample the new companion websites now by visiting GUPTextbooks.com/companionwebsites. The full websites will be available for fall 2021 course adoption.
Until the new companion websites become available, eBook Workbooks with exercises from the Smart Sparrow Electronic Workbook are available for purchase on the GUP website and VitalSource.com, as are Workbook Answer Keys. They will both be sold in eBook format only.
This Answer Key includes answers to the homework activities in the eBook Workbook that are integral to learning with Panorama. Unlike the Smart Sparrow Electronic Workbook, the new eBook Workbooks are not web-based. Although the eBook Workbook and Answer Keys are not interactive, they do enable you to take full advantage of the exercises integral to teaching with Panorama.
For Teachers
Exam copies of the Answer Key for the eBook Workbook are available free of charge to instructors and can be ordered on this page, or through VitalSource.com.