"At the same moment of my appointment?" Consuelo smirked as she and Kendall entered the cell, squeezing behind Redling.
"I'm not going to leave you alone in here," Kendall said, rolling his eyes in contempt at his colleague, Warden Redling.
Carr had the circuit boards spread across the computer shell. "Controller failure." He jabbered at the innards.
"Watch those tools," Redling specified. "We count 'em."
"The computer is a fetish," Consuelo said. "Watch how Carr is magically influenced by the power of the fetish."
Carr was a convicted murderer. The jury judged him a cold-blooded killer. Consuelo wondered whether he felt any empathy, or would the many tests reveal that he is a sociopath without conscience?
She turned on her camcorder. "Look into the camera," she said. "I want that unblinking look in your eyes on video tape."
"Since when could you resist the power of the media, doctor?" Carr chuckled. " Too bad the power's down, the generator is sputtering, and soon you'll all be locked in here with me, Dr. Lopez."