REA's TExES Core Subjects EC-6 (391) Book + Online Gets You Certified and in the Classroom! Go with REA, your trusted partner for success in Texas teacher certification for over 30 years. This all-in-one Book + Online prep pack reflects Texas's TExES Core Subjects EC-6 (391) exam, which launched in 2021. Texas teacher candidates seeking Early Childhood-Grade 6 certification must take this exam. Choose REA for targeted coverage of the five subject tests that make up this wide-ranging exam:
- English Language Arts and Reading (901)
- Mathematics (902)
- Social Studies (903)
- Science (904)
- Fine Arts, Health and Physical Education (905)
You get these features:- Fully up-to-date subject reviews for the EC–6 (391) exam
- Proven study tips and strategies from Texas-based teacher educators
- Build your confidence for test day with practice items that span all domains and competencies
- Online diagnostics pinpoint what you need to study
- 2 full-length practice exams with richly detailed explanations
Whether you're a traditional college student or a career-changing professional, get REA's TExES Core Subjects EC-6 (391) Book + Online so you can get certified and start your teaching career in the Lone Star State.