John O'Loughlin claims he writes to explore and, above all, to learn, to speculate, to hypothesize, and then, gradually, to correct and modify as he progresses his thinking along more logically advanced lines to what he was thinking about in the first place but had no idea, at the time, of just how wrong or misguided or enslaved by convention such thoughts could be!
Thus, he claims, is intellectual progress made – as by degrees and with a sense of adventure that what he is embarked upon is akin to an intellectual and spiritual journey into the unknown which it is his duty, as a thinking writer, to make known, and to do so, moreover, in his own fashion, no matter how unorthodox or paradoxically original that fashion may happen to be (for instance, he makes no apology for the use of a variety of colloquial expressions that he happens to find expedient or somehow pertinent, and what some may regard as an overuse of brackets is to him just another excuse to indulge the curvilinear at the expense of mere rectilinear norms).
It is not, he believes, in one's professional interest to copy others, but to be true to oneself and, hence, to act as a pioneer in the field of original thought, but one who overhauls his delusions and misconceptions, his crass generalizations, the more progress he makes, eventually arriving at particular conclusions that mark him out as a true intellectual and spiritual leader whose destiny is unique, because no-one else has ever arrived at such a destination before.
Hopefully, this title, for all its intermittent stumblings and misguided presumptions along the way, fulfils that ambition to a greater extent than any of his previous ones, original and thought-provoking as they indubitably were! So be warned! It is not how one starts but where one finishes that justifies one's having embarked upon such a hazardous adventure in the first place! – A Centretruths editorial