Skills for Scholars Readingprovides children in grade 3 with necessary reading instruction. Offering 80 pages of full-color activities, perforated pages, easy-to-follow directions, and complete answer key, children will have fun learning important reading skills.
Features activities that teach:
~ Compound words
~ Contractions
~ Plural endings
~ Suffixes & prefixes
~ Synonyms & antonyms
~ Common, proper, & possessive nouns
~ Articles & punctuation
~ Irregular, helping, & linking verbs
~ Adjectives & adverbs
~ Subjects & predicates
~ Sentences & paragraphs
The popularSkills for Scholars Workbook seriesoffers a full complement of instruction, activities, and information in 51 subject-specific workbooks. Encompassing preschool to grade 6, this series covers key subjects including basic skills, English & grammar, math, phonics, reading, science, and Spanish. This series is designed for students who need intervention or enrichment and gives them a solid foundation in key skills necessary for success in the classroom!