Our Concrete Angels

By Kathy Brown Ballard, Audrey Rose Addison

Our Concrete Angels
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Who are our concrete Angels, you ask?

They are the pure innocence of this world. They are the children
who are living with people whose only attention that is bestowed
upon them is pain and neglect. They are the children who are taught at
a very young age how cruel the world can be. These are the
children that society wants to hide. My book is written from the eyes of
a concrete Angel and we are not hiding anymore. The names in my book have
been changed to protect the innocent but my words are true. My life is real.
My voice will now be heard because I want every child to know you
are not to blame and you do not have to identify with how you were,
or are being treated. Remember let those who hurt you carry the pain, for
they bare the consequences of their actions, not you. This book is also for all those
who can make a difference in a child's life. Please let that be you!

Author: Audrey Rose Addison

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