School improvement that lasts: find out how with this masterful guide!
Common Core requirements, merit-based pay, new teacher evaluations, project-based learning--21st-century learning is a demanding and rapidly changing landscape. Advance from overwhelmed to empowered with Alan Blankstein's Failure Is Not an Option, used by more than 350,000 educators to create schools that sustain success for every student.
New case studies and field-tested techniques uncover indispensable insights into successful school change. Develop high-performing leadership teams through
Use this handbook to discover what makes results-oriented, enduring school improvement models work!
Praise for the Second Edition:
"An overwhelming body of research shows that educational change and improvement must come from the inside. Here is a practical road map for improving the climate and culture of schools in ways that are meaningful and enduring. We must be open to new ideas, new strategies, and new opportunities. School transformation is something you do with educators, not to them. This book will show you how."
--Dennis Van Roekel, President
National Education Association