Open Minds to Equality

By Nancy Schniedewind, Ellen Davidson

Open Minds to Equality
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Educators are becoming increasingly concerned with more areas of discrimination and inequality that affects students. For example, as more immigrant students enter schools, understandings and skills for educating about language discrimination are needed. Similarly, as educators become more aware of the negative consequences of homophobic behavior on students, knowledge and approaches for dealing with homophobia in schools are called for. Open Minds to Equality deals with the expanding range of equity concerns. Membership in the largest association (National Association for Multicultural Educators) is growing by leaps and bounds. State-level associations are being started in these subjects all across the country. While focusing on discrimination based on race, gender, class, and age, the second edition also addresses bias based on religion, mental and physical ability, sexual orientation, and language. It provides educators an inclusive framework for thinking about diversity and responding practically to all these forms of difference in their classrooms. Activities in the book address both content and process. The content broadens the readersO awareness of the causes of inequality, particularly how differences are used to justify inequality. It encourages questions and the exploration of many sources of information and various points of view. The process is experiential, participatory, cooperative, and democratic. This book is extremely helpful for teachers, facilitators, staff development programs, and curriculum specialists. It is also appropriate for professionals in educational settings outside of schools such as camps, scouts, church groups, and youth agencies (all of which bought the first edition of this book). A Longwood Professional Book.